2019 Conference

View 2019 Conference Videos Here

5-7 December 2019

Co-sponsored by the World Health Organization

The December conference in Sydney, Australia will include a number of lively plenary debates about controversial and timely issues, involving high-profile players from across the healthcare landscape.

In addition, the conference will include parallel sessions, workshops, posters, networking opportunities and socials.

2019 Conference Themes:

  • Commercial Drivers of Overdiagnosis / Commercial Determinants of Health
  • Genomics / Precision Medicine / AI
  • Overdiagnosis and the Media
  • Addressing Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment in Musculoskeletal Conditions
  • Screening and Overdiagnosis in the Asia Pacific Region


Abstract Submissions

We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract for the 2019 Sydney conference. You are welcome to submit an abstract relating to one of the above conference themes, or about any topic related to overdiagnosis and its prevention. We accept abstracts for presentations, posters, seminars and workshops. All abstracts in the system will be reviewed by up to three members of the scientific programme committee, and notification of the result of that review sent by email to the corresponding author.

Deadline for Abstract Submissions are as follows:

  • February 28th, 2019- for review & response by mid-March
  • March 31st, 2019- for review & response by mid-April
  • April 30th, 2019- final deadline. These abstracts will be reviewed by mid-May.


Registration Open

Full conference registration:

  • Early Bird = £415
  • Full rate = £455
  • Low/mid-income countries = £155
  • Medical & Health Science Students = £155
  • Patients/Citizens & Non-profit organisations = £155

The Early Bird registration rate will stay open until July 31st 2019 unless sold out beforehand.

The Medical & Health Science Studentand Patient/Consumer/Charity Grouprates will remain open until December 2019. Please note that there are limited numbers at this registration rate.

For more information about the 2019 conference, such as on keynote speakers, socials, and accommodation, please hover over the ‘Conference’/’2019’ menu bar for additional pages.


Green Conference Initiatives

Preventing Overdiagnosis 2019 seeks to minimise its impact on the environment as far as is practicable.

In preparation for the conference, the local organising committee has made planning a green event a priority within its limited means. It has organised that the caterers use local suppliers, that the use of single-use packaging is minimised and recycling bins be available. We ask delegates to bring their own water bottles for refilling and use reusable cups for other beverages purchased outside of the conference.

Preventing Overdiagnosis 2019 will also reduce printing where possible. The conference programme will not be printed; instead, it will be available in pdf format via the website, or in digital format via an interactive conference app. Access to the app will be made available to delegates before the conference commences.

As outlined on the 2019 venue page, the conference venue is easily accessible via multiple public transport options. We encourage all delegates to utilise such transport options.

We encourage everyone to support us in making Preventing Overdiagnosis 2019 as green and sustainable as possible.