PODC 2022

Preventing Overdiagnosis Evidence, Equity and Post Pandemic Health Care
Hosted by the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada 9-12 June 2022.

Advancing the research agenda in overdiagnosis by offering a platform for professionals from across healthcare spectrum and members of the public to discuss the driving factors of overdiagnosis, its consequences, and strategies for preventing or mitigating those consequences.

Conference Themes

Equity & Equality: disparities in healthcare provision, marginalized populations, conflicts of interest driving inequity
• Sustainability and lessons learned from COVID-19: repurposing healthcare after a pandemic
• Medicalizing citizens: the harms of screening, disease thresholds, industry influences, the role of media
• The role of specialists in generating overdiagnosis and their efforts to mitigate it
• Clinical Practice: Other dimensions of ODx, overtesting and the harms of too much medicine

Registration OPEN – Concession rates Available.

9 - 12 JUNE 2022 | CALGARY

Preventing Overdiagnosis Evidence, Equity and Post Pandemic Health Care will be hosted by the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

We are accepting abstracts against the following themes, however this list is by no means exhaustive and we welcome submissions on all aspects of preventing Overdiagnosis:


  • Equity & Equality: disparities in healthcare provision, marginalized populations, conflicts of interest driving inequity
  • Sustainability and lessons learned from COVID-19: repurposing healthcare after a pandemic
  • Medicalizing citizens: the harms of screening, disease thresholds, industry influences, the role of media
  • The role of specialists in generating Overdiagnosis and their efforts to mitigate it
  • Clinical Practice: Other dimensions of ODx, overtesting and the harms of too much medicine


Oral abstracts can be submitted for virtual presentation in September 2021, November 2021, January 2022 and March 2022.

Submissions will be graded approximately six weeks prior to the session date. Offering four deadlines e.g. the deadline for September 2021 virtual presentation will be sometime in July 2021.

Please choose Virtual Presentation prior to Calgary 2022 as your preferred means of presentation.


Registration OPEN
Sign up for our mailing list and refer to @PreventingODx for updates.

POD Webinar Series Episode 3

17 Nov 2020 - 16:00 AEDT

Learning from the pandemic: Can COVID-19 help us build a better healthcare system?

The Asia-Pacific, and final, PODC webinar for 2020 is hosted by PODC partner Wiser Healthcare. This webinar will focus on system impacts of COVID-19 and potential future implications for the healthcare system, addressing these questions:


1. How has healthcare service utilisation changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and what has this revealed about effective and ineffective care?

2. Have these changes made things better or worse for patients, publics, healthcare workers, and healthcare systems?

3. Can COVID-19 disruption help healthcare build back better: with less low value care, more needed care, and minimal under- and overdiagnosis?


The event will be chaired by senior Wiser Healthcare investigator Prof Paul Glasziou, who will welcome two speakers followed by a moderated Q&A panel discussion. We are excited to announce the following participants:



- Prof Anne Duggan, ACSQHC

- A/Prof Ray Moynihan, Wiser Healthcare



- Kim Sutherland, ACI NSW

- Dr Megan Keaney, DoH

- Leah Hardiman, Health Consumer

- Prof Jenny Doust, Wiser Healthcare/GP

- A/Prof Katy Bell, Wiser Healthcare




Registration is available HERE



CANCELLED - Preventing Overdiagnosis 2020

Given circumstances dictated by the current pandemic, we are regrettably no longer able to host Preventing Overdiagnosis 2020 in Oxford and have made the very difficult decision to cancel the face to face event.

The good news is there will be something and no travel is required. The scientific committee are working on producing a virtual event in the same week (Sept 14-16). More details on that and plans for 2021 to follow.


What should you do now?


You can request a full refund or transfer your registration to PODC2021. If you prefer a refund please email Ruth with your booking reference number and we’ll take care of it as a matter of urgency. If you are transferring your registration there is no action required.


Abstract Submissions

The abstract portal will stay open for submission to PODC2021. Any updates can be made directly in the portal using your login details. If you experience any problems making changes please email Ruth.


Thank you for your patience, keep well.

With best wishes
Conference Scientific Committee



A statement from several major health organisations



Copenhagen Statement


The international Preventing Overdiagnosis conference was held in Copenhagen in August 2018 with delegates from over 30 countries.

The following statement was adopted by the participants at the end of the conference:

This conference regrets the fact that the draft Astana Declaration on Primary Health Care 2018 (From Alma-Ata towards Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals) makes no reference to the public health and clinical challenges of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. These challenges include direct harms to patients and citizens, misallocation of resources, and, over the longer term, they threaten the sustainability of universal healthcare systems and so undermine global health. Sustainable health systems must explicitly manage the twin problems of underuse and overuse.


“Squidgy” Guidelines: What are they and what can we do about them?

“Squidgy” Guidelines: What are they and what can we do about them? (http://www.cebm.net/squidgy-guidelines-can/)

Ever try to catch a jellyfish? Or squeeze a squid in your hand? Or wrestle with an octopus? You can’t deny that these squishy, and malleable invertebrates share one important characteristic: They have no spine.

#PODC2016 has raised the bar for research

“The Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference held in Barcelona last month gathered over 400 participants from across the world. Many voices were heard since plurality was represented in the presence of patient representatives, health care professionals, researchers, and journalists among others.”

Read More:


Preventing overdiagnosis - from Barcelona to Seoul


Dr Ray Moynihan is Senior Research Fellow at Bond University and co-chair of the scientific committee for the international Preventing Overdiagnosis conference taking place in Barcelona in September 2016. In this blog post he invites you to Barcelona, and explores the growing interest within Cochrane in tackling the problem of too much medicine – being addressed in an increasing number of initiatives worldwide.


Who Draws the Line Between Health and Illness? A Look Ahead to the 2016 Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference – Jack O’Sullivan
