2013 Conference photos

“The just completed conference ‘Preventing Over Diagnosis’ was easily the most important meeting I ever attended”
Allen Frances, chair DSM IV Taskforce, US

“My experience in Dartmouth is going to have a great impact in my life, both as a doctor and a researcher”
Minna Johansson, GP trainee, PhD student, Sweden

“This was a vitally important conference for those who care about their patients, are concerned about what has happened to medical research and modern medicine, and the impact this is having on the health systems of countries around the world.”
Lynda Williams, Auckland Women’s Health Council, NZ

“Very enjoyable and thought provoking”
Dr Georgios Lyratzopoulos
Clinical Senior Research Associate and NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellow
University of Cambridge, UK

Dr Leana Wen, attending emergency physician and director of patient centered care research at George Washington University, US

“One of the most enjoyable meetings I have been to, both personally and professionally” - Dr Fiona Godlee, Editor in Chief BMJ

Many more photos available for viewing and purchasing at:
