
Mission of the Board and Committees.

The Preventing Overdiagnosis Board is responsible for the oversight of the international Preventing Overdiagnosis scientific conferences and associated activities, including maintenance of the website: www.PreventingOverdiagnosis.net.

Each of the partners and representation from other key organisations in Preventing Overdiagnosis will be represented on the board, including The BMJ, Wiser Healthcare, the University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, and The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. Each board member will also have a ‘second’ who can attend meetings. While primarily an international scientific meeting, the conference encourages clinicians, policy-makers and citizen organisations to participate, as well as researchers.

The primary aim of the Board is to develop strategies to sustain the international scientific conferences. Other aims include: to encourage national or regional conferences; encourage research generation and dissemination on the problem of overdiagnosis and potential solutions; encourage the development of educational curricula; encourage development and evaluation of strategies to communicate about overdiagnosis; encourage the development of a community or network of clinicians, researchers, policy-makers and citizen advocates with an interest in the area; develop explicit guidance for constitution of the board and committees.

Functions of the Board include oversight of: the development of the scientific program for the international conference; the conference website; the conference budget; appointments to the committees, including the scientific committee and the local organising sub-committee mentioned below; approval of any contractual engagements related to the management of the conference; approval of the use of the Preventing Overdiagnosis name/logo by any national or regional meetings.

Preventing Overdiagnosis is an independent not for profit group, striving for gender equality. We are free of industry funding.

Policies of the Board include: a strict policy of no industry funding or sponsorship, either direct or indirect, in any form, for all Preventing Overdiagnosis conferences and associated activities, and thus no exhibitor’s hall; an aspiration to keep the conference registration fee as low as possible, in order to encourage wide participation including from trainees/students; an aim to include citizen participants in the conference. Industry is defined as including for-profit companies/organisations which sell products including, but not limited to: healthcare services, medications, devices or insurance policies – or related organisations. More detailed policy-guidance will be developed as needed. Any surplus generated by the conference, after all costs are covered, will be used to further the explicit aims and functions expressed here.

The scientific committee has responsibility for developing the international conference scientific programme, abstract submission topics, and keynote speakers. The PODC Board has responsibility for deciding on future locations/hosts, selecting the scientific committee, and helping develop strategies to sustain the conference and related activities. The scientific committee has a Research Day sub-committee, which will have oversight of the Research Day associated with the main international conference. The Local Organising sub-committee will have responsibility for managing all aspects of the conference planning, including venues, budgets, onsite materials, speaker liaison and website content management. This will be constituted annually, and will include at least one representative from the host institution.


John Brodersen University of Copenhagen
Paul Glasziou Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare, Bond University
Fiona Godlee Editor in Chief British Medical Journal
Carl Heneghan Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine University of Oxford
Steve Woloshin Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice
Iona Heath Medical Doctor


Scientific Committee 2021/22

John Brodersen University of Copenhagen
Tessa Copp University of Sydney
James Dickinson University of Calgary
Janos Valery Gyuricza University of Sao Paulo
Karsten Juhl Jørgensen (Deputy Chair) Cochrane Denmark
Minna Johansson Cochrane Sweden
Thomas Kühlein University of Erlangen
Barnett Kramer
Eddy Lang University of Calgary
Helen MacDonald British Medical Journal
Kirsten McCaffery University of Sydney
Tara Montgomery Founder & Principal
Civic Health Partners
Wynne Norton
National Cancer Institute US
Renee Pellerin
Guylène Thériault
Canadian Task Force on Prevention Health Care
Timothy Wilt (Chair) US Department of Veteran Affairs
Steve Woloshin, Deputy Co-Chair – Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice


Early Career Research Group 2021/22

Arnav Agarwal, Chair University of Toronto
Jolyn Hersch University of Sydney (School of Public Health)
Brooke Nickel University of Sydney
Kristen Pickles University of Sydney
Keltie Hamilton University of Calgary
Jason Black


Local Organising Committee 2021

Eddy Lang University of Calgary
James Dickinson University of Calgary
Guylène Thériault Canadian Task Force on Prevention Health Care
Tara Montgomery Founder & Principal Civic Health Partners
Blair Bigham Health Journalist
Donna Pinto University of Calgary
Pamela Roach Alberta Health Services
Renee Pellerin
Alan Cassels University of Victoria
Elaine Chow Baker University of Calgary
Keltie Hamilton Alberta Health Services
Ainsley Moore
McMaster University
Arnav Agarwal University of Toronto
Daniel Niven
University of Calgary
Deborah Korenstein
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre
Fiona Clement
University of Calgary
Geneviève Bois
Jacqueline Rainsbury
University of Calgary
Pablo Fernanadez
University of Calgary
Jennifer Yamamoto University of Manitoba
John Riva
McMaster University
Joel Lexchin
University of Toronto
Lorian Hardcastle
University of Calgary
Maria Santan
University of Calgary
Patrick McLane
Alberta Health Services
Paula Robson
University of Alberta
Shawn Dowling


Preventing Overdiagnosis Research and Involvement – info@preventingoverdiagnosis.net
Conference information – ruth.davis@phc.ox.ac.uk