Practising Wisely

Practising Wisely: an interactive CPD course by GPs for GPs!


“Practising Wisely: Reducing Unnecessary Testing and Treatment” is a one-day CPD activity developed by GPs in Canada.


Practising Wisely is given across Canada and in the last 3 years approximately 1000 participants have attended the course, showing a real need and desire amongst GPs to attend such a training: by and for GPs, focusing on evidence-based medicine, tackling the issue of overuse at the practical level! Now the course is coming to Australia and is being offered the day before the 2019 international Preventing Overdiagnosis conference.


The rationale for developing Practising Wisely was the epidemic of what is often called “too much medicine”: overtesting of all types, overscreening and cascades of diagnostic tests. This is a situation not unique to Canada: most healthcare systems across the world face a similar situation. We have seen the number of tests and medications prescribed swell and it is proving hard to reign in the substantial share of those services that appears to have little or no value for patients. Although this situation has been acknowledged by various groups, few practical training opportunities existed that empower GPs to tackle overuse or misuse in primary care.


Points have been applied for with the RACGP QI & CPD Program. We will confirm the outcome of this as soon as we know.


The course runs from 8AM to 5PM and will be accredited for 7 hours of training. The program is made up of four modules and is very interactive, with almost 50% of participants’ time spent interacting in a small groups or in case-based discussion as a larger group. Interaction also goes beyond discussions with peers as participants need to bring a laptop or tablet to find and navigate reliable online resources in all modules of the course.