The Student Challenge

Pitch your solution to the problem of overdiagnosis!

1:00 - 5:00pm, 4th December, Abercrombie Building, University of Sydney

Following directly on from The Beginner’s Guide to Overdiagnosis on the 4th of December, all students have the opportunity to participate in a workshop entitled ‘The Student Challenge’, run by the local organising committee of the Preventing Overdiagnosis conference.

The Student Challenge is calling for motivated, open-minded students from all disciplines interested in preventing overdiagnosis. This workshop aims to engage students new to the topic to think critically about the problem, players, and challenges of overdiagnosis, and develop an elevator pitch to communicate possible solutions.

Five of the participating students will be selected to present their pitch at the 2019 Preventing Overdiagnosis conference and will be offered FREE registration to attend. If any of the five finalists have already purchased their conference registration they will be reimbursed.

The Student Challenge workshop will be divided into two sessions:

  1. 1. Introduction to The Student Challenge and a guide to delivering an effective elevator pitch (1 - 3pm)
  2. 2. Small group work: participants create and pitch their solution, finalists selected (3:15 - 5:00pm)

Registrations for The Student Challenge are made through The Beginner’s Guide to Overdiagnosis registration link (below), as participants are required to attend both sessions. Simply click on the link below, register for The Beginner’s Guide to Overdiagnosis, and tick the box indicating you would like to participate in The Student Challenge. We will then get in touch to confirm location and attendance.


For more information about the Student Challenge, please contact

For more information about The Beginner’s Guide to Overdiagnosis, click here.

For more information about this year’s conference, browse under the ‘Conference’/’2019’ menu headings.