
“Utposten” Norwegian article - Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference in Copenhagen
Why are we so afraid to be normal? “was the opening question from the British doctor Iona Heath on the sixth in the series of annual conferences with the title Preventing Overdiagnosis


Prevent Overdiagnosis in Health Care and Overmedicalisation of Society

Statement on Agenda Item 5(C): Advancing Public Health in the WHO European Region for Sustainable Development.


Benefits and harms of screening men for abdominal aortic aneurysm in Sweden: a registry-based cohort study

Large reductions in the incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and AAA-related mortality mean that results from randomised trials of screening for the disorder might be out-dated. The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of AAA screening in Sweden on disease-specific mortality, incidence, and surgery.


Position paper on overdiagnosis and action to be taken by WONCA Europe the World Organization of Family Doctors in the European Region

Modern medicine has brought impressive benefits to humankind. A side effect of its many successes is however an unfounded, cultural belief that more medicine is necessarily better, irrespective of context. Consequently, problems relat ed to “too much medicine”, over diagnosis and overtreatment are on the rise. Ever more methods of surveillance, investigation and treatment become available, and health anxiety has
become widespread..

Winding back the harms of too much medicine: Re-Check joined the 5th Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference in Québec City

Catherine Riva of Re-Check was selected by the organizers of the Conference to present the results of her investigation on the “mammo-business”, an extensive system of business models and careers building grown in Switzerland around mammography screening. Her long-form investigative piece was honored in 2014 with a Media Award of the Swiss Academies of Medical Sciences. Catherine participation to the Conference was supported by the Foundation for Research in Clinical Pharmacology and by the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford.


Faire reculer les méfaits de la surmédicalisation: Re-Check était à la Conférence Preventing Overdiagnosis 2017 à Québec.

Catherine Riva de Re-Check avait été retenue par les organisateurs de la Conférence Preventing Overdiagnosis pour présenter les résultats de son enquête sur le «mammo-business», ce vaste système de modèles d’affaires et de carrières qui s’est bâti en Suisse autour du dépistage du cancer du sein par mammographie. Son investigation long format avait été récompensée en 2014 par le Prix Médias des Académies suisses en sciences médicales.


Faculty of Medicine, proud partner

Pour sa cinquième édition, la conférence internationale Preventing Overdiagnosis s’est tenue au Centre des congrès de Québec du 17 au 19 août 2017.

La conférence, co-organisée par l’Association médicale du Québec, a réuni près de 400 participants, de domaines très variés, notamment du soin, de la recherche, des revues scientifiques, de l’éthique et du droit, mais également de la communauté, décideurs et patients qui ont partagé leurs idées et leurs solutions pour contrer le surdiagnostic et le surtraitement en médecine.


Position Paper - Overdiagnosis and Related Medical Excess
Confidence in the medical profession depends on doctors safeguarding the fundamental ethical commitment to not harm, however, some parts of medical practice are now expanding in ways that do not promote health, leading to unnecessary use of resources and, at worst, causing harm.

Position Paper Appendix


How to rein in the widening disease definitions that label more healthy people as sick
In the early 1990s a small meeting of experts, part-funded by drug companies, decided on a new definition of the bone condition osteoporosis. Historically, the label was limited to people who had fractures, but with the coming of new technology that could see someone’s bone density, doctors started broadening the definition to include healthy people considered at risk of a fracture.


New way to define disease is needed to reduce overdiagnosis, experts agree
A new process is needed for defining diseases that takes account of the potential risks of overdiagnosis and overtreatment as well as the benefits of appropriate diagnosis and care, researchers, policymakers, and consumer groups agreed at an international congress this week.


Rethinking Prostate Cancer Treatments
Ten years after diagnosis, a new study found that patients simply monitored by their doctors fared as well as those undergoing surgery or radiation.


Bad science misled millions with chronic fatigue syndrome. Here’s how we fought back


Walking the tightrope: communicating overdiagnosis in modern healthcare

Communication that empowers the public, patients, clinicians, and policy makers to think differently about overdiagnosis will help support a more sustainable healthcare future for all, argue Kirsten McCaffery and colleagues


Academic Radiology Special edition on Overdiagnosis edited by Dr. Saurabh Jha, Assistant Professor of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

The issue considers both sides of the mammogram debate, the epistemological problem leading to overdiagnosis, and overdiagnosis in many areas ranging from detection of pulmonary embolism to substrates for sudden cardiac death.
A unique radiology perspective which is also the first peer review journal in radiology to have given the problem of overdiagnosis so much space.


Le Cancer Rose
The Risks of over diagnosis – Prof. Alex Barratt (


Breast Cancer Screening: testimony of a London GP – Iona Heath (


Jørgensen K, Gøtzsche P. Overdiagnosis in publicly organised mammography screening programmes: systematic review of incidence trends BMJ 2009;339:b2587


Moynihan R., Doust J, Henry D. Preventing Overdiagnosis, BMJ 2012;344:e3502


Welch G, Black W. Overdiagnosis in Cancer. JNCI 2010;102:605-13


L.M. Schwartz and S. Woloshin, “Changing Disease Definitions: Implications for Disease Prevalence: Analysis of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988–1994,” Effective Clinical Practice 2, no. 2 (1999): 76–85


BMJ Too Much Medicine series 2013

Thyroid cancer
Chronic kidney disease
Pulmonary embolism