2017 Presentations

Lionel Adisso - Scaling up shared decision making to the general public through workshops in public libraries: A proof of concept

Ronald Adler - Cancer Overdiagnosis Explained: A Simple Graphical Model

Natalie Armstrong - System change to mitigate overdiagnosis and overtreatment: How to ensure ‘just enough medicine’?

Fred Arthur - The failure of the PSA test: Implications (and Opportunities)

Tessa Copp - Are expanding disease definitions unnecessarily labeling women with BCOS?

Décary S -Diagnostic validity of combining history elements and physical tests for traumatic and degenerative symptomatic meniscal tears

James A Dickinson - Frequency of Pap testing in women aged 15-29 in Alberta: A case of over-screening?

Gregory Doyle - Avoidable diagnostic breast imaging and biopsy investigations: Impact of rising abnormal screening mammography rates

Barbara Dunn - Overdiagnosis in Genetic Screening: Implications for Primary Care Providers

Danielle D. Durham -Awareness of overdiagnosis in cancer screening among post-doctoral students enrolled in a cancer screening course

Wieteke van Dijk - “Dear neurologist, that’s not my spine. That’s a model on a table.” How contextual factors contribute to decision making

Rachel Farber - Examination of the Practice Shift from Plain Film Mammography to Digital Mammography: A Scoping Review

Dennis Fechtelpeter - Development and pilot testing of a short film explaining overdiagnosis

Cindy Gauvreau - The comparative impacts of cervical cancer screening guidelines on the overdiagnosis of precancerous lesions in Canada.

W. Gregory Feero - Overdiagnosis, Genetic Screening, and the Primary Care Provider

Dr. Fabien Gagnon - Overdiagnosis of Psychiatric Disability: Best practice, Advocacy, <Complaisance>, Fraud of Ignorance?

Par Marc-André Gagnon - L’économie politique fantôme des firmes pharmaceutiques: Analyser les racines du surdiagnostic

Martin Gariépy - Measuring overuse and underuse of brain CTs in pediatric patients with mTBI in two Canadian emergency departments

Anat Gaver - Implementing Measures for Reduction of Overdiagnosis and Over Treatment in Clinical Guidelines - a Position Paper

El Kebir Ghandour - Adaptation d’outils d’Aide à la Décision Américains pour réduire la surutilisation de la TDM cérébrale pour les traumatismes crâniens légers

Kathy J. Helzisouer - Genetic Counseling: Dealing with Uncertainty

Jolyn Hersch - How Information about Overdetection Changes Breast Screening Decisions: Mediation Analysis within a Randomised Controlled Trial

Robin Holtedahl - Knee arthroscopy for degenerative meniscal tears and osteoarthritis in Norway: experience with reducing the volume

Karsten Juhl Jørgensen - Identifying ”red flags” when re- assessing screening programmes

Edeltraut Kröger - Health Impacts and Characteristics of Deprescribing Interventions in Older Adults: A Systematic Review

Thomas Kühlein - What do German GPs thing about overdiagnosis - a questionnaire study

Antoine Lapointe - Le dosage du calcium, magnésium, phosphore: Pertinence et impacts à l’urgence

Brooke Levis - Overdiagnosis of major depression based on lay-administered fully structured diagnostic interviews

Laura Lloblet - Facing a dilemma in elderly complex and vulnerable patients: To stop or not to stop intervention?

Pamela Marcus - Serendipitous detection of pancreas cancer during lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography

Emily McDonald - Workshop - Deprescribing:the solution to irrational polypharmacy

Emily McDonald - Deprescribing: The solution to irrational polypharmacy

Dr Kevin McGeechan - Factors associated with the initiation of testosterone replacement therapy among men participating in the 45 and Up study

Niall McLaren - Misdiagnosis and Overdiagnosis in Psychiatry: The Looming Catastrophe

Gilles Mignot - Une liste de médicaments à exclure des soins.

Lynne Moore - Canadian Program for Monitoring Overuse in Injury Care

Milan Mrekaj - Effectiveness of Conservative Treatment for Musculoskeletal Conditions

Brooke Nickel - Applying a research framework for medical overuse - examples from research in thyroid cancer

Samara Noble - Could disease labeling have positive effects? An experimental study exploring the effect of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome label on social support.

Wynne E. Norton - De-Implementation of Ineffective, Unproven, Harmful, or Low-Value Health Care Services and Practices

John W. Osterman - Overdiagnosis and Public Health Inventing an Epidemic in Moldy Montreal Schools

Ora Paltiel - Examining the utilization of CT or PET-CT for routine surveillance of asymptomatic lymphoma patienrs in remission in Israel

Ora Paltiel - User of National Quality Indicators to Reduce Under- and Over-diagnosis of Cervical Cancer in Israel

Geneviève Rail - Overdiagnosis and the construction of “at-risk” girls: HPV vaccination campaigns as rescue missions

Tristan Rainville - Use of modified intention to treat analysis in studies of direct oral anticoagulants and risk of selection bias.

Dr. Chris Rauscher - Polypharmacy Risk Reduction in British Columbia, Canada- Practical Experience of Moving From Contemplation to Action

Marc Rhainds - Prenatal Ultrasound in Normal Pregnancy: The Bridge Between Health Technology Assessment and Local Medical Perspectives

Ignacio Ricci - Colonoscopy overuse in colorectal cancer screening in Argentina

Paula Riganti - Motivating factors influencing women on performing mammograms for breast cancer screening

Catherine Riva - Dépistage du cancer du sein par mammographie, surdiagnostic et conflits d’intérêts

Dr Imran Sajid - Commissioning Diagnostics: System Biases & How to Influence

Martin Scherer - Guideline for “Protection against Over- and Underuse of Healthcare” of the German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (DEGAM)

Dana Šumilo - How many tonsillectomies are necessary? An eleven year retrospective study

Bram Vrijsen - The positive side of overdiagnosis

BJ Wilson - First do no harm? The importance of communicating overdiagnosis in guideline recommendations

Nick Zhygan - Choosing Wisely: One person at a time