On behalf of the Scientific and Organising Committee we’d thank you for attending the 5th annual Preventing Overdiagnosis conference in Quebec City.
When planning an event such as this, it is imperative to gain the support and participation of all stakeholders affected by Overdiagnosis & Overuse. We were fortunate to have a wide range of contributors from across the globe, those collective efforts and ideas on best practice will bring us closer to finding the solutions that will decrease unnecessary treatments that can lead to harm.

This year’s conference generated a lot of media interest for our local host the Quebec Medical Association and promoted the work currently being undertaken to find solutions for reducing Overdiagnosis and Overuse. Please see below for a number of quotes and articles recorded over the three day conference.

Over-diagnosis, a threat to the survival of our health system, Dr. Hugo Viens, Profession-SantéAll doctors do overdiagnosis or overtreatment. From 15% to 18% of what we prescribe or treat, has a low value, is not necessary or can even prove detrimental to the health of our patients. I do that, my colleagues do and patients ask.


Physicians must change their behaviour, according to Barrette, Mathieu Ste-Marie, Profession-Santé Over-diagnosis and over-treatment are not issues that the medical profession has addressed enough, says Health and Social Services Minister Gaétan Barrette, who wants this issue to be more of interest to doctors.


The medical profession is not alert enough to the risk of overdiagnosis, said Health Minister Gaétan Barrette.

Also published in the newspaper Metro and the Huffington Post


Minister Barrette Leads to Doctors, Pierre-Paul Biron, Le Journal de QuébecHealth Minister Gaétan Barrette relies mainly on doctors to overcome the problem of overdiagnosis in the health care system, a position that fulminates the opposition, which believes that Quebec does not have the means to not recover the $ 600 million related to it.


Up to $ 600 million in savings, according to Barrette, Élisabeth Fleury, Le SoleilHealth Minister Gaétan Barrette estimates that the costs generated by over-diagnosis and over-treatment in Québec are approximately $ 600 million annually. However, he believes that the government can not do much against the phenomenon, which he attributes mostly to the behavior of doctors.

The overdiagnosis, a disease of the health system, Pauline Gravel, Le Devoir Doctors prescribe too many tests, which not only affects those who have to undergo unnecessary tests and treatments, but also patients who would need care that the health system can not afford to offer, of the overdiagnosis.

Interview with Dr. Hugo Viens, Stéphane Gasse, Quebec Today, blvd 102.1 FM


Government must address over-diagnosis and over-treatment, NewswireAssistant to the 5th International Conference on the Prevention of Over-diagnosis, Diane Lamarre, Official Opposition Critic for Health, Access to Care and Home Support, calls on the Liberal government to act, to counteract over-diagnosis and over-treatment, and their adverse impacts on the health of Quebecers.


Congress on Overdiagnosis: Tackling Unnecessary Medical Procedures, Pierre-Paul Biron, Journal de QuébecA major international congress on the problem of over-diagnosis in the healthcare community is being held this week in Quebec City and specialists are keen to make known the consequences of these preventable medical procedures.Congress to Overcome Diagnosis, Radio Canada, Guillaume DumasInterview with Dr. Hugo Viens


AMQ hosting the event - Quebec Minister of Health to open the 5th International Conference on Overdiagnosis Preventing Overdiagnosis, Canada NewswireThe Minister of Health and Social Services of Quebec, Mr. Gaétan Barrette, will deliver this morning the opening address for the 5th edition of the International Conference on Overdiagnosis, Preventing Overdiagnosis, at 8:30 am at the Québec City Convention Center . The Association Médicale du Québec (AMQ), in collaboration with its partners the Canadian Medical Association, Université Laval and Choosing Wisely Canada, is hosting this international meeting on over-diagnosis and its corollaries, overtreatment and supermedicalization.

Surdiagnostic: “Do more, it’s not necessarily better,” Élisabeth Fleury, Le Soleil (Quebec) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for back pain without alarms. Antibiotherapy for acute otitis media without complications. Polypharmacy in the elderly. Examples of over-diagnosis and over-treatment are hundreds in Quebec, according to the Quebec Medical Association (QMA), which will host an international conference on the subject from August 17 to 19. A reality that costs the health care system, besides being harmful to patients, warns the Association.

Over-medicalization, it is healed, Brigitte Breton, Le Soleil(Québec) EDITORIAL / In order to reduce the need for unnecessary health care, some 20 countries, including Canada, have implemented the Choose with Care campaign. The Quebec Medical Association (QMA) notes, however, that Quebec is slow to address the issue of “overdiagnosis” and “over-treatment”. Yet she says the province could save between $ 3 and $ 5 billion a year and reinvest it in more relevant care or other government jobs. What do we expect?


Large conference on overdiagnosis: interview with France Légaré, Manon Globensky, Midi-Info, Radio-Canada

Minister Barrette deferred to the doctors. Interview with Dr. Louis Godin, President of the Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec, Paul Arcand, since it is necessary to get up in the morning, 98.5 FM



The 5th edition of the International Conference on Overdiagnostics, FM93, Gilles Parent Interview with Dr. HUGO VIENS, President of the Quebec Medical Association: The 5th International Conference on Diagnostic Surgery begins tomorrow morning at the Quebec City Convention Center.


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