2015 KN Videos

Otis Brawley – Overdiagnosis: Pathologic Profiling!!

Virginia Moyer – The Not-So-Well child: Overdiagnosis in Pediatrics

Cindy Pearson – Overdiagnosis and Women’s Health: Challenges and Opportunites

Hyeong Sik Ahn – Korea Thyroid Cancer Epidemic and Afterwards

Laura Esserman – Understanding the Basis for Overdiagnosis Can Drive Solutions to Mitigate Harm

Ned Calonge – The challenge of communicating Overdiagnosis

John Brodersen – What are harmful consequences of overdiagnosis in medical screening?

Ina Kopp – Can Clinical Guidelines Protect from Overuse?

Steve Woloshin & Lisa Schwartz - Low R(egulation): Allowing disease awareness campaigns to fuel Overdiagnosis