Hello and Welcome!

Firstly, thank you all very much for signing up to receive information about the September 10-12, 2013 Preventing Overdiagnosis conference – and thanks to those who sent comments, references and suggestions via the website.In the month since the conference was announced in the BMJ, there has been a strong and overwhelmingly positive response to the idea, and interest in attending the conference from many parts of the world.The committee organizing the conference hopes to provide more information about the conference and the program, costs and possible concession rates, in the coming months – with a call for abstracts to be released by October, 2012.

The conference is scheduled to run for two-and-a-half days, starting in the afternoon of September 10, and finishing September 12, 2013. The conference will be hosted by the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, in Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, in partnership with BMJ, Consumer Reports and Bond University in Australia.

After more information becomes available, if you have more questions, suggestions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact us here.


Credit: BMJ Cover, June 2, 2012
http://www.bmj.com/content/344/7859 Credit: Cartoon from Hilda Bastian.

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