9 - 12 JUNE 2022 | CALGARY

Preventing Overdiagnosis Evidence, Equity and Post Pandemic Health Care will be hosted by the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

We are accepting abstracts against the following themes, however this list is by no means exhaustive and we welcome submissions on all aspects of preventing Overdiagnosis:


  • Equity & Equality: disparities in healthcare provision, marginalized populations, conflicts of interest driving inequity
  • Sustainability and lessons learned from COVID-19: repurposing healthcare after a pandemic
  • Medicalizing citizens: the harms of screening, disease thresholds, industry influences, the role of media
  • The role of specialists in generating Overdiagnosis and their efforts to mitigate it
  • Clinical Practice: Other dimensions of ODx, overtesting and the harms of too much medicine


Oral abstracts can be submitted for virtual presentation in September 2021, November 2021, January 2022 and March 2022.

Submissions will be graded approximately six weeks prior to the session date. Offering four deadlines e.g. the deadline for September 2021 virtual presentation will be sometime in July 2021.

Please choose Virtual Presentation prior to Calgary 2022 as your preferred means of presentation.


Registration OPEN
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